Hello again,
There are a number of reasons I decided to take on the challenge. I'll highlight this first, and list the others later in this post.
Last year my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and is still fighting against it. For my mother and the thousands like her suffering from cancers of all varieties, I encourage you to donate for cancer research. If you are unable, please keep your thoughts and prayers with my mother and our family.
I have a few other reasons for taking on this trek as well:
1. I've been meaning to move to Vancouver for some time. This allowed a good excuse to quit my job and move.
2. I'm hoping to lose some weight. Walking with a full pack for 20km/day, I expect I might lose some fat and build some muscle. (Just maybe)
3. I hope to take time to explore nature and spirituality. Plenty of time with few distractions allows me time to think and ponder.
That's all for this post. Feel free to suggest other topics that might interest you.