Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Saturday July 7, 2007 - Day 15 (07/07/07)

Greetings from the trail,

After yesterday's troubles I made a decision. My goal has always been to walk to Vancouver, not necessarily to follow the TCT. As such, when the TCT wanders pointlessly, I will not hesitate to take a more direct route.

Today instead of wandering "Pickering Hills" route, I simply followed the Wanderer - Fort Steele road. The trip was short and landed me beside the exceptionally cold and fast Bull River.

This seems to be a popular spot as several people have stopped by for a quick dip or to go fishing. One guy simply dove in, Cast out, and immediately hooked a large fish. It was certainly big, but I'm no expert. He said it was a 5 pounder. Not bad for such a simple effort.

See you on the trail,
Joshua Ganes

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